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Simple Aim Assist

This Aim Assist Component is designed to elevate the player's aiming skills. With customizable values, you can fine-tune the aim assist to perfectly complement your unique game experience.

The Aim Assist Component will detect the nearest enemies to your crosshair while also ensuring that your aiming direction aligns with the target.
This way, it doesn't just randomly aim at the nearest enemy, but rather at the one you're actively aiming at.

There are three stages that will enhance the player's accuracy.
Each stage has its own Dynamic Zone Radius that scales based on the distance from the target:

  • Camera stickiness: The camera speed will gradually decelerate based on how close the crosshair is to the target (2D Screen Position).

  • Camera snap: The Aim Assist Component will automatically adjust the camera to focus on the target.

  • Bullet magnetism: The point of bullet impact will be redirected to the nearest point on the target.



