Simple Aim Assist

Your very first steps within the plugin


Simple Aim Assist is your ultimate solution for precising aiming in gaming.
The plugin is designed to enhance the targeting accuracy and reaction time of the player, allowing him to focus more on the strategy and gameplay elements of your game.
With tweakable settings, easy installation and a Firing Range to fine-tune the gamefeel experience you want. Aim Assist Plugin offers a seamless and reliable experience for both casual and competitive players.

Key Features: Actor Component, Stickiness, Bullet Magnetism, Camera Magnetism, Camera Locked on Target, Dynamic Assist Zones, Firing Range.

Roadmap: Auto-Aim


Since the plugin is only in Blueprint, the installation process is straightforward: you only have to install it to your project once bought to the marketplace.

Getting Started

Designed for simplicity, Simple Aim Assist seamlessly integrates with Actor Components.
One component to attach to the player: AAA_BP_AimAssistComponent

Once you've added the component to the player, follow these three easy steps to set it up. You can refer to AAA_BP_FirstPersonPlayer, where all the setup parts are highlighted in Blue Cyan comments.

1. In your Camera Look input Event, you need to update the input direction from the aim assist as shown below.
To ensure the stickiness feature works properly, apply the Aim Assist Deceleration Rate to the final rotation.

InGame ScreenShot

Note: The Camera Sensitivity variable allows you to adjust the camera's rotation sensitivity, giving you the flexibility to fine-tune the camera's responsiveness to your preference. You can choose whether or not to create this variable based on your specific needs.

2. In your Shoot input Event, before triggering your Shooting Logic, make sure to call the Adjust Impact Point function from the Aim Assist.
This function will provide you with a new impact direction that should be used in your shooting logic to improve accuracy.

InGame ScreenShot

Note: Even if Bullet Magnetism or the Aim Assist are disabled, the "Adjust Impact Point" function will still return the required impact point, without any adjustments.

3. The final step is to Start or Stop the Aim Assist as needed.
In the Showcase, because the player is always aiming, I start the Aim Assist at the Begin Play and never stop it.
However, if you have logic to handle aiming and not aiming, you can start and stop the Aim Assist based on whether the player is actively aiming or not.

InGame ScreenShot InGame ScreenShot

Parameters Guide

This value ranges between 0 and 1. It represents the correlation between where the player is aiming on the screen and the position of the closest enemy to the crosshair (center of the screen).
The higher the accuracy value, the more precisely the player's aim direction must be aligned with the closest enemy to trigger the aim assist.

A value of 0 means that the aim assist will always be triggered.
A value of 1 means that the aim direction must be perfectly aligned with the target.

Note: When the player isn't aiming at any direction and is static, then the aim assist is not Triggered (not enabled).

Enable Bullet Magnetism
If enabled, the impact point of the bullet will be adjusted when the player is shooting and if the target is within the
"Bullet Magnetism Assist Zone."

Enable Stickiness
If enabled, the camera rotation speed will gradually decrease if the target is within the "Stickiness Assist Zone", in correlation with the distance between the center of the screen and the target.

Enable Snap
If enabled, the camera will snap to the target if within the "Camera Snap Assist Zone".

Bullet Magnetism Radius
The radius of the Bullet Magnetism Assist Zone.

Camera Snap Radius
The radius of the Camera Snap Assist Zone.

Stickiness Radius
The radius of the Stickiness Assist Zone.

Adjusted X Radius
The new radius of the corresponding Assist Zones. The radius is dynamically updated depending on how far the target is from the player in 3D space.

Sphere Trace Radius
The radius of the sphere trace for detecting nearby enemies from the crosshair.

Sphere Trace Offset Radius
The offset to start the sphere trace at the muzzle of the weapon.
This is mostly useful for third-person shooters (TPS).
For first-person shooters (FPS), it is recommended to leave this variable at 1.

Sphere Trace Range
The range of the sphere trace. This variable should be the same as the weapon range.

Camera Magnetic Force
This value ranges between 0 and 0.2.
It represents the strength of the magnetism effect on the camera to snap to the target.
A value of 0 means no magnetism.
A value of 0.2 means a very strong magnetism.

Lock State Duration
The duration of the lock state.

The lock state occurs only after a Camera Rotation or at low rotation velocity, locking the camera on the current target and slightly following its movement.

Camera Deceleration Multiplier
This value ranges between 0 and 2.
The lower this value is, the more the camera will decelerate when within the Stickiness Assist Zone.